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9,89 € 8,41 €
SKU: 21700
Brand: Ballistol
Qty: 12

Universal oil - well tried and tested! For the maintenance of metal, wood, leather, rubber, synthetic material, leather, animal fur and much more. Ideal for crafts, industry, agriculture, household, gardening, vehicles, fishing, hunting and shooting sports. MetalBALLISTOL is widely used in the precision gauge and tool industry, as well as in the manufacture of scales and other precision instruments. BALLISTOL provides a protective alkaline film on the surface of metals, neutralizes hand sweat and other acidic corrosive residues, so that the surface is protected from corrosion. Due to its low surface tension, it is able to penetrate into the smallest cracks and crevices of metal surfaces. It cleans and makes silver and brass shiny. Excellent for the maintenance of tools and instruments in the field of precision mechanics. LeatherBALLISTOL effectively protects leather against hardening and drying, water, insects and fungi. Tannic acid residues in the skin are neutralized.